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Format text, images, video

Creating attractive project and essay pages requires basic understanding of GitHub Flavored Markdown and Bootstrap (for images and more complex page layouts). Fortunately, it's pretty easy to get basic understanding.

Format text

If you've never used Markdown before, it's worth reading through GitHub's documentation on basic writing and formatting syntax.

Here's a few of the most useful concepts to get you started.

To create an H1 header, use #. To italicize a word, surround it with *. To create a link, start by enclosing the link label in [] and follow it with the URL in (). Here are examples:

# Section 1
## Section 1.1

I think TechFolios is *awesome*.

Here is a link to [TechFolios](

Note that you must put a space between the # header character(s) and the title text!

Format images

You can insert images using the plain old <img> HTML tag, but you can control the formatting of your images better if you take advantage of the Bootstrap image classes. The template portfolio provides examples of the most common kinds of image formatting.

Float image to left or right

The Template essay on difficulties illustrates how to float an image to the left side of the text. Here is the code used to float the "difficulty gauge" image:

<img width="200px" 
class="rounded float-start pe-4"
src="../img/difficulty/degree_difficulty.jpg" >

Note that this example not only floats the image to the left (via "float-start"), but also sets the size to 200px, rounds the corners of the image, and adds some padding to the right of the image (via "pe-4").

Groups of images

The Micromouse Project Page illustrates a simple way to provide a group of images with similar formatting. In this case, all the images have the same size and rounded corners. Here's the code that produced that format:

<div class="text-center p-4">
<img width="200px"
class="img-thumbnail" >
<img width="200px"
class="img-thumbnail" >
<img width="200px"
class="img-thumbnail" >

Location of image files

In the template portfolio, a top-level img/ directory holds all the image files. Every project and essay can thus refer to an image through a relative link (i.e. src="../img/the-image.png"). You can create subdirectories within the img/ directory to further organize your images if you want (and the template portfolio illustrates this.)

Format video

The Bootstrap 5 ratio helper can be used in combination with the iframe element to embed video into your page. For example:

<div class="ratio ratio-4x3 my-4">
<iframe src=""
title="Overview of Hackystat"